Reform Judaism:emerged in the United States and advocated full integration into the culture where one lived 
Conservative Judaism: counteracted Reform Judasim, modifying Jewish tradition in a limited manner
Orthodox Judaism: a reactionary movement in the response to Reform Judasim, it is the most traditional wing in Judaism
Re constructionist Judaism: emerged from Conservative Judaism, advocating Judaism as a culture, not only a religion
Hasidism is a movement  within Judaism founded in the eighteenth-century Poland where pious devotion to God is as important as study of Torah.
Moses Maimonides was a rabbi who earned his living as a physician and worked at the court of Muslim sultan Saladin in Cairo. Moses Maimonides argued for there was no contradiction between Greek 
The summation of the Torah is 
Diaspora is Jews being dispersed around the world.
After Solomon's death the kingdom was divided into two. The northern kingdom was the ten tribes of Israel, and the southern kingdom was the two tribes of Judah. Because of idolatry, Israel and Judah became vulnerable to outside threats. 
In the forty years the Hebrews were returing form Canaan, they became a conventional community owning their allegiance to one God. 
God chose the Jewish people, so they are called to respond to this honor.  They must show reverence towards God as a part of their special covenant with Him.  It is not only a select group that is called to this responsibility, but all Jewish people.
Christians understand the Torah to be the Jewish law.  They also understand that Jewish law is the same as the law that can be found in the Ten Commandments.  The Torah is also known as the Pentateuch in a Christian Bible, or the first five books in the Bible.
Jews believe that God exists, God is one, God is Creator, and God is Good.  They believe in only one supreme God and that he did in fact create everything.