Celebrating Los Posada at Muskegon Catholic was a great experience for our school. It was a good way to have lots of students and teachers be involved in celebrating Christmas.  In participating in Los Posada we were able to show other students the trouble Mary and Joseph had to go through to find a place to stay. We went around to nine classrooms singing then had Mary and Joseph knock on the doors and ask for a place to stay. Each classroom would tell us there was no room for us to stay and we would go on to the next room. This represented Mary and Joseph going from place to place and being told there was no room for them. After we went to all the classrooms we went to the nativity to put Mary and Joseph in the stable which is where they finally found a place to stay. Some of the classes came with us when we got to their class and followed us to the next room until we got to the nativity.  Then we all sang another Christmas song before we went back to class. Los Posadas was a positive thing for us to do at Muskegon Catholic because it was a good way for our school to prepare for Christmas during advent together. It would be great if our school could celebrate Los Posadas every year.

Leslie Walters

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