Q: Why did the early Christians change their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday?
A: Early Christians changed their Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday because Sunday is associated with the Resurrection, so every Sunday is celebrated as a "little Easter."

Q: How is the Christian calender different from the civil calender?
A: The Christian calender is different from the civil calender because the new year begins on the first Sunday of Advent, instead of January 1st.

Q: What are the special events in the Christmas cycle?
A: The special events in the Christmas cycle are Christmas, the birthday of Jesus, and Epiphany, a celebration of Jesus revealing different aspects of himself.

Q: What are the special events in the Easter cycle?
A: The special events in the Easter cycle are Easter, the day of Christ's Resurrection, and Pentecost, the birthday of the Church.

Q: What are two sacraments that most Christians celebrate?
A: Most Christians celebrate Baptism and the Eucharist. 

Q: Name some of the characteristics of prayer.
A: Some characteristics of prayer are completely unique to the person praying. Some prayers are formal, others are informal, and can be verbal or silent. Some are said at certain times of day.

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