We remember the day
Terror rained down
And we were engulfed
In fear and in grief.

Our grief remains 
And we form our hands in prayer to say
Grant peace, O Lord, to the
Souls of all those who perished on that day.
Grant comfort to the families
Who lost loved ones,
Grant healing to the to those who carry scars, of the heart as well as the body,
Of that day seven years ago.

We remember the day
Terror rained down
And we were engulfed
In fear and in grief.

Our fear remains,
And we struggle to move beyond it
To the place where we can say,
Lord, have mercy on us and all your children,
And grant us the grace to know the true security you promise,
The security that comes with the actualization of peace and justice for every nation and all peoples.

May the memory of those who died, 
and the recognition of all who still bear the scars of that day,
Bless us. 
May their memories inspire us in our efforts to face the complexities of this world 
so we can say
Peace be with you
And with us also.

Jane Deren
Education for Justice

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