Subsidiarity is the principle of Catholic Social Teaching that holds that a higher unit of society should not do what a lower unit can do as well or better. In other words, the government, for example, should not take responsibility for the welfare of families that can can be responsible for themselves. This principle is important to a healthy society it promotes a healthy economy, efficiency, liberty, and personal character. When this principle is ignored, these things are decreased, to the determent of society.

One example of this in society today is the Affordable Care Act. This new law is taking away the ability of families and individuals to care for their own health.  It has lead to a decrease in our economy, with workers being laid off and insurance costs increasing; a decrease in efficiency, because it introduces a whole new set of regulations and fines; a decrease in liberty, because citizens are no longer responsible for providing their own healthcare, which they are more than capable of doing; and a decrease in personal character, because it is taking away the satisfaction of hard work, and creating an attitude of entitlement in society.   

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